Strategy Services

Strategic Business Advice

We work with you to collaboratively design fit-for-purpose strategic advice based on our deep, expert knowledge and subject matter expertise.

We have assembled an expert team of advisers to support you at every step of your strategy journey. We provide expertise in:

  • Executive coaching and leadership development.
  • Development of strategic roadmaps.
  • Articulating strategic intent.
  • Change leadership development.

We will work with you to enable your leadership team to articulate strategic intent and to design a roadmap to success through:

  • Analysis and formulation of your strategic intent.
  • Development of your leaders’ strategic thinking, decision-making and change communication skills.
  • Facilitating the development of an internal coaching mindset to support succession planning.

Our approach is leader led by design to enable your strategy and further development of your high performing team:

Strategy Articulating Strategic Intent

We work with you to understand your team dynamic and how to best articulate your organisation’s strategic intent.
We see three main ways that people lead organisations, each with different levels of autonomy.

  • The most common style is leadership through control and direction. Here leaders articulate the direction with explicit, step by step instructions.
  • Less common but more autonomous are organisation’s where leaders issue a plan, give tactical advice, design policy around decision making then support that strategy through oversight and supervision.
  • High functioning organisations delegate decision making and have an inclusive ‘all teams’ approach. Leaders articulate the strategic intent and enable autonomy, empowering local decision making.

Strategic Business Advice - Case Studies

Chief of Army

Department of Defence

Australian Defence Force

Governance & Assurance

Enabling organisations to identify and manage risk, establish good governance in line with regulation is critical to mission success.

To best enable your performance and conformance structures, we will support your enterprise business teams to:

  • Evaluate your existing governance structure.
  • Design and evaluate reporting, dashboarding and performance evaluation criteria, including the design of effective KPIs and KRAs.
  • Conduct your operational planning and effective organisational governance.
  • Scope risks and opportunities.

Good governance at its heart is about making the most of opportunity and management of risk. Our overarching approach to risk and benefits realisation draws its inspiration from best practice, articulated in ISO 31000. It involves consideration of the eight principles, context sensitive design and evaluation framework and process of identifying, assessing and treating risk:

These principles include creating and protecting value in an integrated way, that is:

  • structured and comprehensive without being overly complex or cumbersome
  • customised and dynamic
  • managed in real time
  • including multiple layers of the organisation based on the best available information
  • involving human and cultural factors
  • enabling continued improvement.

The process includes:

  • a review of the context
  • identification, assessment and treatment of risks and benefits
  • communication
  • monitoring
  • executive reporting

We help you establish a framework that can be used by your leadership team to drive design, implementation, evaluation and improvement processes and delivery of associated artefacts, such as Risk and Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed (RACI) matrix and establish these within your business systems as a living set of documents — and not shelf ware.

Governance & Assurance - Case Studies

Disposal Services

Sydney Water

Defence Intelligence Group

Hobart Specialist Day Hospital

Business Analysis & Sensemaking

We use critical thinking to help you navigate complexity, benchmark performance, scan the environment and forecast more accurately.

We will support your enterprise business teams to:

  • Use a variety of tools and techniques to evaluate the environment.
  • Apply various types of thinking and reasoning to a problem.
  • Understand and apply systems theory for environmental scanning.
  • Translate complexity frameworks into something that will deliver practical outcomes.
  • Apply current research techniques to gain qualitative and quantitative insights into your organisation.

We use multiple tools to support business analysis and sensemaking:

Cognitive Edge

Best in class business analytics rely on the use of forecasting, back casting and side casting to design robust business systems and processes. This helps making sense of the environment, benchmarking to relevant, comparative examples and better thinking and problem solving.

Based on the requirements of the planning being done, we enable you to identify and adopt the right mental model to best understand the complexities you face in achieving your vision. These models help explain thought process about how something works and can be:

  • Inductive or deductive
  • emergent
  • divergent or convergent
  • adaptive.

Business Analysis & Sense Making - Case Studies

Virtus Health

Rio Tinto

Australian Water Association

Collaborative Business Relationships

We believe that creating strategic, collaborative relationships based on alliancing principles is key to unlocking value and the achievement of shared goals.

Our approach to collaborative business relationships draws on the best practice articulated in ISO 44001.

Collaborative Business Relationships enhances the performance and competitiveness of your organisation.

We will support you to achieve business success through:

  • Building strong partnerships and alliancing based on trust.
  • Understanding and applying agile and lean processes for technology and system improvement.
  • Mitigating cognitive distortions (biases) to ensure more effective business analytics and better decision-making.

Business collaboration can unlock value, reduce delivery time and cost, and enable organisations to access markets previously not available to them.

Our collaborative approach includes:

  • Efficient supply chain management, especially in complex projects.
  • Cross industry alliancing to take on larger pieces of work.
  • Whole-of-lifecycle asset management.
  • Creating a learning environment to educate industry, especially during times of major change and transition.
Collaborative Business Relationship Framework

Collaborative business relationships have been shown to deliver a wide range of benefits, which enhance competitiveness and performance whilst adding value to organisations of all sizes.

The ISO 44001 standard guides organisations that collaborate to:

  • design and plan operational awareness
  • capture and share knowledge
  • assess their relational health
  • select the right partners for each stage or age of the work
  • work and stay together on shared objectives
  • create value to deliver benefits
  • exit the arrangement according to plan.

This requires early engagement, and the development of a Joint Relationship Management Plan (JRMP) based on shared principles.

Collaborative Business Relationships - Case Studies

South Australian Housing Authority

Department of Defence

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry


Adash Janiszewski

Chief Executive Officer

Adash is Providence’s CEO and is responsible to the Providence Board and Providence’s clients for ensuring the timely delivery of outcomes through advice, guidance and mentoring to Providence’s staff.