Our senior executive coach was engaged by the Chief of Army to undertake executive coaching for the Brigadier (O7-8) cohort to increase performance, reputation and the quality of its leaders.
The coaching packages were 6 to 10 sessions in length, in the 2018 to 2023 period, and our expert has coached 10 to 12 leaders per year. The Chief of Army selected all candidates. Our coach worked closely with them to agreed topics, such as performance outcomes, self-awareness, emotional intelligence and management under pressure.
Due to the program’s success, it was extended for 5 years, and in 2023 was cascaded to the Colonel (O5-6) cohort, using a custom designed group coaching model.
Our team member was the acknowledged leadership expert of CSIRO, which needed to develop and fill the executive and managerial leadership pipeline, including strategic roadmapping for Flagships.
Our leadership specialist co-designed, facilitated and implemented an 18-month highly applicable executive development program that developed a highly promotable leadership cohort, enabled cross-functional collaborative science work and boosted strategic and systems thinking.
Many graduates achieved a promotion leading Flagships or divisions, founded a science business closely collaborating with CSIRO, or took up executive roles in other organisations.
Providence provided the Department of Defence with naval infrastructure advice to reduce program duplication and costs.
Our team provided specialist naval knowledge and deep understanding of Defence strategic priorities to lead engagement with state governments, shaping and driving infrastructure development to meet future Defence needs. Advice was based on approaching sustainment as a whole-of-life concept, considering sustainment from the initial design of a vessel through to its disposal.
The approach reworked the existing support solutions to one that adopts a whole of fleet and whole of lifecycle view, minimising duplication across the maritime domain.
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) needed a first principles review of military policing as well as the development of the case for change to overcome stove-piped delivery of capability and functions.
Our team engaged widely, then successfully delivered the design of a new national Joint Military Police Unit (JMPU). The implementation of the new organisation was supported through a strategic systems approach, which generated a resilient and legislatively enabled police force.
The reform program has been held as an exemplar of First Principles Reform within the Department of Defence.
Adash is Providence’s CEO and is responsible to the Providence Board and Providence’s clients for ensuring the timely delivery of outcomes through advice, guidance and mentoring to Providence’s staff.