Frontline Yoga goes from strength to strength

Frontline Yoga goes from strength to strength

Providence renews support for the exceptional health promotion Frontline Yoga provides to first responders and frontline service people

“Aligning with and starting in Veteran’s Health Week, 2021, the focus of which is to ‘get moving’ and participate in physical activity to support the health and wellbeing of veterans, regular yoga classes will be offered to all Providence staff over the next 8 months, delivered by Frontline Yoga.


Providence has recognised that supporting their staff through practices such as yoga, meditation, mindfulness and movement, allows for better mental health outcomes and wellbeing of their staff, their most important asset.


Thank you Providence, for not only again signing up to be a corporate sponsor, but for leading the way on delivering wellbeing and support of your staff.” – Fronline Yoga

Adash Janiszewski

Chief Executive Officer

Adash is Providence’s CEO and is responsible to the Providence Board and Providence’s clients for ensuring the timely delivery of outcomes through advice, guidance and mentoring to Providence’s staff.