Workforce Planning

Your people are your most valuable asset in driving transformation. Our team of experts conducts thorough analyses and assessments to help you gain a clear understanding of your workforce. We dive deep into supply, demand, and identify gaps and opportunities in capacity and capability, ensuring you’re equipped to navigate change effectively.

Our comprehensive analysis, assessment and forecasting develops a deep understanding of your workforce using both supply/ demand and gaps / opportunities analysis of oranisational capability, teaming and skills of your people.

We support your transformational enterprise to design and deliver:

  • a contemporary strategic work force planning model
  • a workforce transition program, including capability uplift and reskilling
  • capability assessment & uplift
  • learning needs analysis (TNA)
  • learning and development (L&D) requirements.

Our approach to workforce is through a dynamic workforce design and planning cycle:

Workforce planning

We start by thoroughly benchmarking and analysing your current workforce against National Competency and Industry Standards.

After this bench analysis is complete, we then work with you to evaluate future needs to enable a risk and probability-based workforce forecast, which both serve as a key input to a rigorous gap analysis.

Next, we develop strategies with you to fill the gap – based on both budget constraints, teaming and your operating model. Questions during this phase of work include:

  • Do we hire?
  • Should we contract?
  • Is it better to outsource?
  • We collaborate on the best methods of adoption – the implementation strategies which might include attraction, retention, training and development or capability uplift. Constant monitoring and evaluation (M&E) help us refine our approach with you as new challenges arise.

    Workforce Planning - Client Stories

    Joint Health Command

    Procter & Gamble Germany

    Australian Police

    Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry

    Adash Janiszewski

    Chief Executive Officer

    Adash is Providence’s CEO and is responsible to the Providence Board and Providence’s clients for ensuring the timely delivery of outcomes through advice, guidance and mentoring to Providence’s staff.