Technical Assessment & Advisory

There is a large suite of federal and state security legislative requirements to which organisations must comply. These affect site security, staffing, the management of threats, data and information security and events. 

Business impact assessments

Providence has deep knowledge and expertise in undertaking security risk assessments, management impact assessments and protective security mitigation. Providence supports you to:

  • Integrate security risk management into security management systems.
  • Identify critical assets and critical workers.
  • Identify threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Assess enterprise protective security risks.
  • Develop tailored protective security risk management strategies and frameworks.
  • Enhance security culture.
  • Establish supply chain assurance.
  • Business/event threat assessments

    Whether you are running a conference, stadium event, equipment trial or visit from VIPs, we support the development of Event Security Risk Assessments (ESRAs). Using the fundamental techniques from organisational and personnel SRAs we approach events by looking at potential vulnerabilities, making an assessment of likelihood and working through believable mitigation strategies.

    Based on the foundation of Protective Security Policy Framework (and in the case of Defence DSPF) all aspects of the event are considered and covered. These move from being desktop reviews to on site assessments and Providence also work with hosts to do emergency response planning. Whether it be in preparation for expected civil disobedience, rallies and protests or a genuine expected emergency response to threat or terror.

    Physical/site reviews (zones) and assessments

    Our security professionals review the current state of your organisation’s sensitive facilities (up to and including Security Zone 4 areas). The certification service can be customised to meet your specific needs, whilst ensuring the facilities meet the PSPF requirements for compliance and reporting.

    This comprehensive assessment will also ensure the physical and technical elements align with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Technical Notes for security zones. We will:

  • conduct a thorough assessment of the estate
  • identify the gaps in compliance and areas for improvement
  • provide strategic recommendations to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards
  • apply a risk-based approach to prioritise the facilities most in need of review, and those where strict compliance may not be                         achievable due to operational or functional limitations
  • work closely with you to develop a customised solution that addresses your unique challenges and requirements
  • collaboratively develop the compelling case for budget provision to manage the risk exposed through this review and undertake                 urgent review work
  • Security design for sites and facilities

    Providence works with our clients from pre-planning and design all the way through to 90%+ milestones before construction to ensure that facilities are build using robust and defensible security risk assessment (SRA) that can be endorsed and certified. We cover SCIFs, up to Zone 4 facilities, buildings and precinct designs.

    A leader in Commonwealth Government protective security governance, stakeholder engagement, and security risk analysis, Providence has many highly experienced personnel with technical and communications skills. Providence’s consulting team hold a deep and thorough understanding of the Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF), ISO 31000:2018, HB167:2006 Security Risk Management Handbook, and ASIO T4 – Technical Specifications, and how they relate to Government operations. 

    Technical Assessment & Advisory - Client Stories


    Australian Electorial Commission

    Australian Government

    Home Affairs & Australian Border Force

    Adash Janiszewski

    Chief Executive Officer

    Adash is Providence’s CEO and is responsible to the Providence Board and Providence’s clients for ensuring the timely delivery of outcomes through advice, guidance and mentoring to Providence’s staff.