Providence hosts a South Australia Critical Infrastructure Workshop
The Providence Team hosted a Critical Infrastructure workshop in Adelaide on 20 November in support of the Australia’s inaugural Critical Infrastructure Security Month.
The event was another in-Providence’s series of SOCI events.
In his keynote at the event, Senator the Hon David Fawcett commented on the national security relevance of critical infrastructure and lessons from cyber-attacks in Australia and globally. This provided incredible insights into the legislation behind the security of critical infrastructure as Senator Fawcett has been a member of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security when it scrutinised the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2021 and the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2022, as part of the recent critical infrastructure reforms.
Participants from critical infrastructure sectors and government entities, the defence sector, the Department of Home Affairs, universities, and state government entities heard presenters from Providence and our partners Fivecast and Teamgage speak about the threat to critical infrastructure and a range of SOCI security topics focused on the personnel security hazard.
Providence is planning for its next in-person event to be staged in Melbourne in early 2024. Stay tuned!
In the interim, have a look at our website for more information on Enterprise Protective Security.