Procurement, Acquisition & Mergers

Navigating complexity, empowering your next big move with expert procurement and commercial support.

Providence is experienced in coordinating acquisition management for commercial, government and Defence. Whether you are in the process of acquiring a company, undertaking a merger, demerging companies, or assets we can support the process commercially.

We also support organisations coming to market, through market sounding, EOI, RFQ, panel development and the whole procurement cycle. This includes:

  • Needs specification,
  • Capability requirement definition,
  • Scoping and costing,
  • Legislative compliance,
  • Cultural alignment.
  • Procurement, Acquisition & Mergers - Client Stories

    JMPU (Logistics)

    Grain Research Development Corporation (Contracts)

    Defence Security & Estate Group (PFAS)

    (Quartile One)

    Adash Janiszewski

    Chief Executive Officer

    Adash is Providence’s CEO and is responsible to the Providence Board and Providence’s clients for ensuring the timely delivery of outcomes through advice, guidance and mentoring to Providence’s staff.